WBE.NET Member since 2007
Thank you so much to WBE.NET and Mr. Roosevelt Roby. I purchased the program in 2007 and followed the steps. I am now providing goods to the US Government and federal agencies in international markets, exporting American goods thanks to Mr. Roby’s ingenious process and the WBE.NET.
Mr. Roby’s program has lifted me from homelessness and obscurity and into the world. I can never repay the gift of this program.
Just this week we have officially been certified as EXIM approved suppliers that can export any USA goods to anyplace in the world with up to 90 days deferred payment terms. How exciting!
Thanks so much for freeing me from the bondage of self and enlightening me to be able to participate in the world around me, which was a life-long dream.
Peace and Blessings,
Tony Wilson, COR, MBA, BsTM USAF Ret.